A week ago, Mitch and Al (my father-in-law) began putting it together. They chipped away at the hundreds of pieces the play centre came in for an hour or two each day. On Saturday, they put in several hours and today, it's DONE!
Here it is... the FINISHED product! Assembly is not for the faint of heart... and plan on it taking MORE than 10 hours to put together. I don't know exactly how much time it took, but it was probably upwards to 15-20 hours of our lives (actually it wasn't MY time, but rather my hubby's and Papa Schultz) and that was using power tools instead of the allen wrench they include in the box...
Quite often, Jetty was the 'over-seer'. He provided the motivation to get it done... because he was going to climb all over it, done or not!
When the boys put their heads together...
Jett has a new found love affair with swinging. I wondered if he was going to need the baby seat that would strap him in safely, but no; not my independent toddler. He holds on to the chains like a champ and he likes the accessible exit feature of being able to jump off on his own when he's done.
Already he's asking for "BIG" pushes and he can swing for nearly 20 minutes in one session!
Climbing up into the 2nd floor play house is easy when using the ladder, and J's been practicing on the rock wall, too. Sliding doesn't grow old until you've gone down at least 2 dozen times. The experience is also enhanced when you throw an object such as a ball, a toy car, or a wrench down the slide ahead of you. :)
This is a video collage of Jett from the past few months. I notice that he is wearing a sleeper in much of the footage... I do actually clothe my son, I promise. However, on lazy days on the farm (which is when I often record videos) we often choose to wear our PJ's as long as possible.
If there is any question about the sustainability of the Schultz Family Farm through another generation after my husband, Mitch, you only need to watch my son for a minute or two to realize farming seems to flow through his veins. We had to have a little talk about the appropriate age to start driving machinery though... Scared this mommy half to death...
AND... now that I'm the mother of two, I shall try to include both of my precious children in these posts. It's easier to write about Jett as his world grows and he learns new things/words every day, but Miss Kalena Jane has brought a new joy to our life. She is such a sweet baby and I am beyond thankful for a healthy 2nd child.
I am thankful and pleasantly surprised at the welcome Jetty has extended to his little sister. He definitely has moments of jealousy where he demands that I put the baby down and the words, "be gentle" roll off my tongue countless times in a day, but he loves his baby sister who he fondly refers to as, "baby Yena." He also likes practicing the phrase, "Back off boys!" Which he will be ready to use when the time comes to keep boys away from our sweet girl :)
Lena loves to be in the baby carrier, and I love having the use of both my hands! We purchased a Baby Bjorn after Jett was born and we love it! I love the way it hugs my sweet baby close to my chest and supports her head well. Kalena seems to enjoy the closeness as well.
This is my favourite photo as of late. I actually took it by myself using my iPhone. I was standing in front of a window and I love the way the light frames us.
I love these moments.
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