I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.
I had a prenatal appointment today. I always enjoy those, for a few reasons. #1- I get to hear that everything "looks/sounds good". (For which I am incredibly grateful) #2- I get to hear the swish swish sound of my baby's heartbeat through the doppler. Today, baby's heart rate was 139 bpm, which is apparently right in the middle of the 'norm'. AND #3- I get to have a kid-free morning. :) I am thankful for a mother-in-law who so willingly keeps my kiddos for me while I steal away and run errands.
Today, my phone also informed me that my baby "is as big as a head of lettuce." I think it's so funny that these apps/books always compare babies' size in utero to fruits and vegetables; especially since each fruit can vary so much in size! (Over-thinking this, I know.) I have put my due date as Dec. 10th because my Dr always refers to my due date as Dec 9, but my 10 week ultrasound said Dec 11th, so I went with the middle ;) Both of my kiddos, however, were three days late.... which would put me at Friday Dec. 13th. (I like the 9th or 10th better ;)
My app also compiled a list of pregnancy symptoms that some women experience at this point in their pregnancy. Unfortunately, I am experiencing nearly ALL of them.
Yep. I can't even remember all of the conversations where I've lost my train of thought in the middle... ;) Wait. What was I saying?
Umm, ya. Although I think I'm generally a fairly clumsy person, my shins and arms a sporting more bruises than usual.
SO so much. I sometimes just long to be able curl myself into a ball (totally impossible) so that my back won't feel so severely arched for a while! I know the belly pulls everything forward, but I'm sure that hauling my toddlers around doesn't help my cause. I think I may need to up the frequency of my massage visits... I do try to wear my back brace if I'm doing chores around the house and many evenings I slip a bag of frozen veggies into the back of it, which does seem to help. "Get off your feet for a while"... SO not the reality for a mom of two toddlers.
YES. Having to head to the washroom more often doesn't bother me so much as long as there's a washroom nearby. Letting that bladder get too full... bad news.
Again, I don't know how to take the advice given here. Where am I going to find a dark, quiet room in my house?
I am not normally a person who is sick very often, but when I'm pregnant, I think baby sucks away all of my immunities and I get WAY more colds. I got a sinus cold a month ago and wouldn't you know it, I got another one a few days ago. I'm coughing much more with this cold, but I'm still congested. Blah! I hope baby's immunities are getting good and strong!
THIS is one of the biggest struggles I face with pregnancy. It's not every night, but several nights I lie awake, totally annoyed that I can't sleep, knowing that my sweet kiddos won't "take it easy on me" the next day just because I'm tired. Sometimes I get up and go downstairs for a snack, the internet or a glass of warm milk (isn't warm milk supposed to help you sleep?). I haven't really had heartburn or leg cramps with this pregnancy and I don't feel overly anxious, but I sometimes get very restless joints. I don't know how to explain it other than to say I feel like a wildcat getting ready to pounce on it's prey. Not the sensation you're going for when you're trying to enter dreamland. As if I could move fast enough to pounce on anything...
I am closing the gap between me and the steering wheel. ;) I'm pretty sure that my belly was grazing the steering wheel by the time I reached my due date with my other pregnancies. So much to look forward to...
10 more weeks. ;)
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