Life as a Farm Wife
Welcome to the ramblings of my mind and the passions of my heart. Who am I? I am a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a teacher and a constant learner... often the hard way.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Our House Grew Legs!

There is a new structure that we are thrilled to have on our yard and it stares at me through our back windows. I think it's beckoning me to come and dwell, so it will be a long month or so to wait before we can move in to our new house.

I WILL have a few things to distract me; like a new baby ;) hopefully sooner than later. And there's Christmas...

It was exciting to watch our house on the final leg of it's journey from Hague to our farm. I think it drove almost entirely grid roads, so hopefully it didn't inconvenience anyone too much!  

Here it's across the field, coming down our road.

Turning onto our drive...

Onto the yard!!!

Old house, meet new house. ;)

Preparing to back in place.

The cutest little spectators ;)

There were a few branches that had to sacrifice their home to move ours in.

I'm guessing this guy has NO problem parallel parking ;)

Almost there! You can see the basement foundation behind the house on the left.

Getting ready to "roll!"

And it's IN! 
Love this.

I found these videos on youtube that make our move look small-fry. It's pretty amazing what can be moved!!!

I am VERY glad that our move didn't have an unfortunate incident like this:

Our new house is safely in place and it looks great! I can't wait to LIVE in it, but I'll have to wait for a few important details like: electricity, heat, a basement floor etc... ;)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Home Stretch

THIS is what I have been eagerly waiting to see. ;)

 In a few of my earlier posts about the house, (Here's to a New Era & A Great Detour) I talked about how excited I am about our fireplace wall. I am really happy with how it's shaping up! Now, I'm conflicted in my mind about whether I should stick with my original plan to add more floating shelves above the long shelf on each side, OR not put up shelves and rather, hang a photo gallery... Thoughts?

I love, love, LOVE how bright this living room is! 

 View of our newly installed kitchen from the living room. I am getting excited!!!!
(My new stainless steel appliances have been purchased and will nicely fill their spaces!)

 View from the dining area through to the living room.

Different angle. ;) (Overkill???)

 I am very happy with the white cabinets and dark countertops! 
(AND I can't wait to use my island!)

My flash gave this pic some funny hues, but THIS is a section of my fabulous mudroom. :)
I am thrilled that we will have a space to come in from outside and shed our mess BEFORE we reach the rest of the house. YAY!

A look down our hall, into the bathroom and the kids' room.

These two yahoos will be sharing a room in the near future... pray for us! ;)

Lena's checking out the closet in the "baby" room that she will likely take over in approx 2 years when her brothers will become roommates. 

We were all admiring our doors and making sure they could open and close ;)

From the hall into our master room.

Our master room's "feature" wall ;)

The siding is ON and the house is pretty much ready to GO! 
We're hoping to see the house in OUR neighbourhood very soon!...
(another blog post impending)

Oh yeah, and we should have another baby in two-ish weeks. ;)
The home stretch...

Saturday, November 9, 2013

In Waiting...

November is a month of WAITING in our home this year.

Waiting for another sweet baby boy to enter our world.

Waiting for our new home to live in.

Waiting for Christmas to come.

Waiting (yearning) for our hot holiday... (Have I mentioned we're going to Hawaii in March?) --We have a few months to wait yet. ;)


I kinda suck at waiting.

I have less than 5 weeks (hopefully) before my newest baby boy will be born, but my body sure feels like its falling apart which does not help the time pass quickly! My kiddos don't seem to understand that there is more stress on my body. They still want me to carry them, chase them and lately, pull them around on a sled! Well, Jett is a solid 42 lbs and Lena around 27 lbs and when you add the 40ish extra pounds I'm carrying in front.... I'm feeling it.

These two tried to pull me on the sled... (We didn't move)

Our new house is coming along nicely and it's fun to see the progress. We're hoping to have it on site (in our yard) soon. As much as I would LOVE to be into the new house before baby comes, or even before Christmas, the realist in me says not to count on moving in until the new year. 

Pouring cement for our basement.

Jetty was excited each time a new cement truck rolled in. :)

And after a little more than a week, the backfill could be filled in around the basement, making it look a little more basement-ish, AND getting rid of our "mountains" of dirt. :) Jett was disappointed and informed Mitch and I that he would rather have the piles of dirt than the house.

There's been lots of progress IN our house, too. Texture was added to the ceiling, colour to the walls...

I can't wait to see how the white mantle, and cupboards/shelves will contrast that fireplace wall!

Master bedroom with the same colour on one wall as our living room feature wall.

Our hallway looking into the kids' bedroom, main bathroom and those will be our stairs to the basement. That small banister will have a dark stain when it's finished.

The kids' (Jett and Lena) bedroom. How do you like the blue? ;) 
After our newest bambino has been in the family for about two years, this will be the boys' room.

This is the baby's room (later, to be Lena's abode). We chose the yellow before we knew the gender of our third child. Yellow seemed nice and neutral to me. Now, knowing we're having a boy, it's feeling a little more feminine ;) BUT I think I can "boy-it-up" with some brown and blue accents. 
Maybe a safari theme? 

A peek into the living room from baby's room. I just LOVE those big windows!

Fast-forward a week or so, and the flooring is now in. Staying true to our shades of gray, I'm happy with how they look! I can't wait to see how everything looks once all the baseboards and finishing touches are complete! This specific spot is the transition from living room to bedroom hallway.

View from the dining area, through the kitchen, into the living room. :) I think I'm really going to love this laminate. It is filthy dirty from all of the guys working on things, and still it doesn't look half bad!

Fast-forward another few days and most of the lights are in!
I am liking the 'Malibu Collection' from Fandango.

The span of my windows... 

The kids had to pose in each of the closets. :) This is baby's room.

The master. (You bet I have a walk-in!) ;)

The kids' closet.

After running around the new house for 20 min, J and K are ready to nap in their room. :)

From what we understand, the house is very close to being ready to move and the basement is ready to hold the house, so we wait on our mover. 

We wait.


My wonderful/talented friend Amy (Petit Oiseau Photography) took some family pics for us recently, so I'll close this post with two of my favourites.

AND.... wait.

I'm going to claim Isaiah 40:30-31 for myself this month. :)

"Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men [or largely pregnant women] stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; 
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."

Not sure about the running part...
More of a waddle.