I love this picture because it shows our old house and the farm yard through the window AND because my sweet Kalena Jane is in it ;) |
I believe that when most people relocate their family into a new home, they pack prepare and then rally friends and family for one crazy/hectic "moving day." OR you may go the route of hiring movers to make your experience less hectic. Either way, the climax of the experience is "moving day," when all of the contents of your former house migrate to the new house and you now refer to a new/different house as home.
Our experience, however, has not been the typical move. As you know if you've read previous posts of mine, our house was moved onto our farm yard in late November. You can read/see that move, in my post: Our House Grew Legs if you're interested. Since then, we have been eagerly waiting to live in our new abode and we really thought we'd be in long before we were.
As eager as we were, we knew we had to wait until a few minor details were completed on the house. You know, heat, water, sewage, a basement floor... okay maybe not so minor.
Being that our move was close to Christmas, and work was backed up with some trades, there wasn't much progress made in December. I know that many people experience hold ups as they build, but ours was especially painful as we also awaited the arrival of our sweet Zavier who's 8-day overdue birth had us about crazy. Most of December felt incredibly unproductive for both Mitch and I. If you know us well, you know that we're big fans of productivity.
Our appliances were delivered to our new house before Christmas, and a few furniture items we purchased (bunk bed, mattresses, sectional etc.) were delivered right around the New Year (I can't remember exactly when). Those were the first items to be moved into our house and it was great because they were delivered right to our front door and even carried into the house for us! Easy peasy. However, having those items in the house made me that much more eager to start living in that space!
As soon as I got a green light from our contractor, I started moving some things into the bedrooms and pantry. I literally started moving in an arm load at a time. I would pack up a section of a room, pile it by our back door and either Mitch would carry it to the new house if he was available, or I did it during nap time. In the past month, I think I've made hundreds of trips between the two houses.
Now, let me tell you, the path between the two houses is glare ICE. We had a path packed down in the snow and then when we had that warm weather mid January, it half melted, got rained on, and could likely serve as a skating rink. Needless to say, I have wiped out a few times as I hurry to get as much done during nap time as possible!
Practicing safe moving ;) |
Initially, we weren't going to finish the basement at all (for now), but then we realized we needed the mechanical/utility room closed off and the bathroom roughed in. Then it turned into the framing/insulation being done, too. Mitch casually made the comment to me, "Just make sure the kids don't poke holes in the plastic..." Ummm, right. The chances of me being able to keep the kids from poking a MILLION holes in the plastic are nil. That would be the very first thing they would do. SO, we decided to also get the drywall up, but we have no plans to "finish" it for some time.
Anyway, Mitch was working hard on the basement (We are thankful for grandpas and uncles who also helped with this endeavour!) and I was trying to make some progress moving while also entertaining 3 children. (Not to mention feeding them, changing diapers, etc.) SLOW going.
I should stop right here and acknowledge that we really have a GREAT network of family and friends around us and I had several people offer to help us with this move, for which I am thankful. I didn't know how to have people help me with this move, though. It wasn't like I was organized and had boxes packed and ready to move. I also have a sweet little newborn (although he's almost 2 months now!) that had to be near mama. Having a baby and a new house so close together just wasn't the best planning on our part. ("Planning" wasn't really involved ;) ) We have had friends/family bring us food and watch our older two children. Thank you!!!!
My sister came through for me in a big way to help us actually take the big steps to start living in our new house at the end of January. She came over and helped me move almost my entire kitchen over in an evening. My mom watched my kids and helped me put them to bed and then held Zavi, while Carrie and I went to town. She expertly packed up my old kitchen and brought me box after box while I unpacked and organized my new kitchen. I never could have done it so fast on my own!
The day after we moved my kitchen, my sister kept ALL of my kids (we had bottles ready for Zav) for most of the day, so Mitch and I could get more done. My parents and brother-in-law, Braden joined us late in the afternoon, and that evening we moved the "big stuff" such as our bed, the crib, washer/dryer etc. We ate our first dinner in the house that evening, but I forgot to take a picture to commemorate the event. My parents took Jett and Lena to their place to sleep that night because we didn't have everything "set up", it was late, and I didn't want to have their first night in our new house go too badly. Mitch, Zavi and I spent our first night in our new house on January 31st, so we can say we moved in January ;)
That next day, February 1st, was filled with organizing and putting stuff away. My mom kept my two eldest kids at their house for the day and a sweet neighbour brought us supper which allowed me to be very productive. :) Mom and the kids joined us for our 2nd dinner in the house and this time, I remembered to take a pic. (Albeit, not the best quality pic)
Our first night with everyone in new sleeping space went okay. Kalena was up from 2-4am, which is not our preferred way to spend the night, but our poor girl has experienced a lot of change this winter. In spite of being up with a baby through the night (and occasionally a toddler), I am thrilled to be back to sleeping in a bed. Due to the logistics of our old house, I slept on the couch in the living room with Zavi for almost 7 weeks and I was ready to be off of the couch.
Since that first night, we have fumbled into a routine of putting Kalena to bed in a playpen in Zavi's room at the same time Jett goes to sleep in their room. Later, after Zavi's been tanked up for the night (or a few hours...), we transfer her to her lower bunk (Jett is on the top bunk) and put Zavi to bed in his room. It seems to work fairly well, and Kalena sleeps well even though she's transferred.
Last night, Zavi slept a 5 hour stretch for the 2nd time ever! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to fully appreciate 5 consecutive hours of sleep because BOTH Jett and Kalena were up during that time. :( It is what I have feared with having the two of them sleeping in the same room; that one would wake the other in the night... This was the first time it has happened, though. I hope this doesn't become a habit! Thankfully, after a glass of water and a short search for a beloved Mini Mouse, we were back in dreamland.
I wonder how long it's been since I slept, uninterrupted, through the night...
I wonder if I'll ever sleep through the night again...?
Enough babbling. I blame lack of sleep. ;) Let me just show a few pictures from the last weeks.
We LOVE the island in our kitchen. The kids love the barstools because they lift and spin ;) We've had a few wipeouts, but nothing serious. We have taken to eating most of our meals here. |
We have a bath tub!!! Actually, we have TWO as well as a shower in our mudroom bathroom. It is a dream! ;) The kids haven't asked for our old rubbermaid container from the old house... ;) |
We have games/puzzles in that cupboard behind where the kids are playing, but no "toys" upstairs. My kitchen/living area finally isn't littered with cars, trains, blocks, play dishes etc. :) |
I'm sure I'll rearrange things a few times yet, but here is what I've done with my fireplace wall. I have written in previous posts about this wall and what I should do with it (The Home Stretch). I opted for pictures and floating shelves to fill the space and I'm loving it. I did have a bit of an issue finding the studs, much to my husbands chagrin. I remedied the situation with some wall braces and everything is now secure :) |
Here is the full view of that wall as it is right now. |
The glare makes it difficult to see, but that top pic says "SCHULTZ". I found a great deal online through Frame the Alphabet (maybe a groupon???) a while ago and I've had this tucked away. I quite like the way it looks on this wall. |
I am SO thankful for this crew. We are loving our new space to live in. |
Here's a little peek into our bedroom. I really love having my bedroom on the same floor as our living area. I've been MUCH better about making our bed each day! |
Our toy area is now taking shape. |
I am NOT a crafty person, but we made a little "art corner" for painting, colouring, etc. and I think the kids enjoy it! |
Today it is two weeks that we've been in this house. It will still be quite a while before everything is DONE (the inside of the garage won't be done till spring, as well as the deck, etc.), but more and more the space feels like home. We've already made our "mark" on it and broken it in with some scuffs and marks on the walls/floors. We are thankful, content and feel incredibly blessed to call this our home.