Life as a Farm Wife
Welcome to the ramblings of my mind and the passions of my heart. Who am I? I am a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a teacher and a constant learner... often the hard way.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

I am Dory.

Every so often, I see those quizzes that tell you what Hollywood character you are most like go through my Facebook feed. It wasn't long ago I saw one that told you what disney character you're most like. I've never actually done any of these quizzes. Maybe I'm afraid of how I'll be categorized...

Recently though, I've had this recurring thought in my mind.
I am Dory.

I never knew that having kids would have such a significant impact on my thinking capacity. My brain is full of so much important information like:
What fundraisers are due for what activities?
Where in the world did my youngest toddle off to?
When is it my kids' turn for show'n'tell or I'm scheduled to be a parent helper?
Will my sister and I ever get called up for Amazing Race? (Like, seriously.)
What's for dinner?
And how many times have my kids pooped in a day?
There isn't room for much more!

It doesn't take much for me to lose my train of thought. It drives me CRAZY when I'm in the middle of a story or explanation or something and I forget what my point was. Often an interruption from a wee one (with a loud attention-grabbing voice) is to blame... 

We'll go with that.

The other day, I was in the shower and I forget what prompted this line of thinking (surprise, surprise) but I was trying to remember the word for the disease that some people get as they age... when they can't remember things... not dementia, the other one... it's the disease that the lady in Still Alice had (that book totally freaked me out, by the way)... I'm sure it starts with an A... Arthritis?- No... Autism?- No...

I'm sure it was a good 20 minutes that my brain circled around but refused to help me recall that word! After I was done and dressed, I asked Mitch if he knew the name for the disease I was having trouble recalling. He first said, "Dementia?" and when I shook my head, he said, "Alzheimers."
Like it was SOO easy.

There's more than a little irony in the fact that I couldn't remember the term, Alzheimers....
I'm not going to go there just yet.

I blame my crazy on sleep deprivation and the constant drone of wee ones who demand my attention All. The. Time. (I'm crazy about them, by the way)

I think that my ability to retain information was at an all time low when I was pregnant with my third child, Zavi. Jett had just started preschool and I felt ill-prepared for the barrage of responsibility and expectation that comes with having a child in organized programming. I completely missed Jett's picture day! I was supposed to bring him to the school on a morning that wasn't his usual preschool morning, and that was just too much for my prego brain to handle. We didn't have anything on that morning, I just missed it. SO, we have a class picture of Jett's 3-yr old preschool class without him in it. (Needless to say, I don't have that one on display)

We hit a milestone recently and I'm hoping it is one that will help me on my way to reclaiming my sanity... and my memory. Zavier is one month shy of 2 yrs old and he is almost the exact age that Jett was when Kalena was born.

Newsflash, people.

For the first time in 5 1/2 yrs, we do not have a BABY in our home; nor do we have intentions of bringing another baby into our home. Yes, I do feel a measure of sadness knowing that this phase of our life has come to a close. However, I also feel the thrill that comes with the anticipation of finally being able to rid our house of stinky diapers!!! (BUT... Let's be honest, my kids don't potty train until their three... so I should probably contain my excitement...)

I have discovered one benefit of having a poor memory. I am much less inclined to hold a grudge. :)(This is helpful in a marriage relationship) I don't think I generally have too many issues or conflict in the relationships in my life, but if anyone is waiting for an apology from me, I wouldn't hold your breath. It's likely not going to happen; not because I don't care, (I'm sure I would care if I remembered) but rather, I forgot. Oh, blissful ignorance.

***Disclaimer- If I actually DO owe any apologies, please let me know!!!***

Really though, I wouldn't trade my three brain-cell stealing hooligans for anything. I love being a mom; even if I frequently verge on the side of insanity. I cling to the hope that those brain cells might regenerate. But if they don't, may I forget why I ever needed them. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Dog Day in Our Life... 2015

I miss writing. The summer got away on me and here it is, NOVEMBER already! Wow!

Today, I have a moment to write as I sit outside the dentist office as my son gets a cavity filled (His last one, thankfully!). I'm not allowed to sit inside with him because my big tough 5 yr old boy cries for his mama much more when she's within reach. It's better for both of us that I sit outside...

So, I brought my laptop and I found this post that I started in MAY. Oops.
I thought about deleting it and starting over, but I think I'll use it and build onto it instead.

May, 2015

SO, lately I have felt outnumbered and a little run off my feet. I suppose that's just the way it is when you have three busy preschool/toddler aged children. The month of May on a farm is all about getting the seed into the soil, which means that I'm a farm widow for a few weeks. We do get to spend a little time with Mitch here and there, on the tractor or a quick meal, but most of the parental responsibilities fall on my plate and I have a genuine appreciation for single parents who do everything all the time! I should also say that I have lots of family around that makes life much easier and more enjoyable, too. :)

Often I find myself thinking/dreaming about how much easier life will be when my children are a little more independent (and rational thinkers...). BUT there really are so many fun and memorable moments about this stage that we're IN and I feel as though, if I don't document it somehow, I'll forget it entirely.

Now without further ado...
a day in the life of the crazy Schultzies ;)

Jett- age 5 yrs
Kalena- age 3 yrs
Zavier- 1 1/2 yrs

It's difficult to say exactly when the day starts... is it when I'm up with the wee one (let's face it, he's actually a tank) at 3am? He's obviously starving and I always feel obliged to answer his hunger cries with a warm bottle of milk. He's my last baby and I am a huge sucker for letting him get away with this travesty this long... but he's my baby... I just need more coffee.

This is when I am likely to be awakened and not permitted to re-enter dreamland. My hyper-sensitive super-human ears hear the sound of feet hitting the floor two rooms away from mine. My suspicion is confirmed as I hear the squeak of the door hinges and I brace myself for the flurry of messy hair and flannel jammies to hop into bed next to me... or on top of me ;) Since my dear hubby vacates his side of the bed at an unholy hour to coax some milk out of our cows, my squirmy little princess stakes her claim and snuggles up close enough that I find myself inhaling her baby-fine hair and trying to duck away from the nagging itch I feel under my chin from that blonde nest.

The other morning, she had climbed into bed with me and fallen back to sleep. So, when the boys got up, I quietly abandoned her to get a little more shut eye in mommy & daddy's bed. About an hour later, I heard the door open and there was a shuffling noise as Kalena made her way into the kitchen... with her pajama pants around her knees (hence: shuffle). "Good morning, Kalena," I said. "Do you need to go to the potty?" "No, mama." She said as she sheepishly looked up at me through her too-long bangs that I've been meaning to trim. "I kinda.. sorta.. peed in your bed. BUT I cleaned it up with water, to get rid of the pee!" She added the second part quickly and looked up at me, obviously proud of her supposed problem solving skills. "Oh, Lena..." I said with a sigh as I started moving towards my bedroom to assess the damage. "Mommy," Kalena went on as she followed me. "Could we not tell daddy that I peed in your bed?" I stopped and looked down at her as she took my hand, batted her baby blues and said, "It could be a mommy-Lena secret."  Oy.

Now, let me tell you, I am not a fan of the extra laundry that sometimes invades my schedule when one (or more) of my kiddos has an "accident" in the night. BUT I am even less of a fan when it is MY bed that they have an accident in!!! Even when flashed the baby blues...

...AND that's it. I never got past 7 in the morning. ;)

November 2015

SIX months later, life is much the same, yet different.

I have many nights that are interrupted by my now nearly 23 month old boy. He no longer gets milk at night, but still calls out (too often) for some attention in the wee hours. The other night, Zavi called out "Moooooooooooooom" every five to ten minutes from 1am until just after 3am. He would allow just enough time to let you drift off before hollering again. Why? I'm really not sure. I did go to him a few times and his soothers were all in reach (yes, he still loves his soother), his feet warm, diaper not overly saturated etc. I gave him a drink of water and short snuggle, which usually does the trick, but not this night. Every. Five. To. Ten. Minutes. It would have been nice if he could have switched it up a few times and called for, "Daaaaaaaaaaaad," but no, I was the lucky one. He wouldn't call out for very long, just loud and long enough to ensure that I was awake with him. Thanks, Zav.

When he awoke for the day at just before 7, Zavi was happy as a clam, of course. He can be so silly and sweet that you almost forget the grief he gives you at night. Often I go and pick him up out of his crib and he smiles at me, flashes his baby blues and says, "Daddy!" Yep. In the hours when we're not trying to sleep, mommy is often chopped liver and daddy is the All-Star in this toddler's eyes.

Our house is full of chatter from the moment Zavi wakes up now, too. In May, Zavi didn't talk, he just grunted. ;) At right around a year and a half, I had this moment where I realized that Kalena (and I think Jett, too?) had many more words than I could've even counted when we were asked about it at their 18 month vaccination appointment. At 18 months for Zavi, though, he had less than 5, I'm sure. While pondering the difference, I realized that we weren't ever really talking to Zavi! (Poor 3rd child) We always just talked around him. In the past few months, we've tried to be much more intentional about talking to our sweet boy, and his conversational skills have grown immensely. He is also very polite and is quick to use his "Pease." and "Tane-tu"s (Please and Thank-you's). If anyone near him sneezes, he loves to shout, "Bess-you!!!" And when I sneeze, Zav grins and says "Bess you, mama." I melt. Some other favourite phrases of his right now are: "Paw-Pawo" (Paw Patrol), "Pess pay!!" (Press play), "Tot-tar, Oooowuuuu!" (He yells for Rockstar and then makes a whistle-like noise). Not long ago, Zavi said what I believe is the clearest sentence he's come up with yet, "Detty, did it." (Jetty) and he's used it many times since; sometimes when his brother is to be blamed, but also when he's been innocent. (Clever little stinker) He is becoming a very good mimic, he loves to tease, AND he loves to pretend to be a puppy ;)

My princess Kalena is now 3 1/2 years old and makes everything overly dramatic. Her drama can be draining, but her imagination is spectacular. Lena plays make believe more than Jett ever has. Recently, we discovered that "Conan" (A mysterious individual she would talk about all the time) is actually her imaginary friend who seems to be lurking around our home very often. Sometimes Conan is accompanied by more friends: "Tonan, Nonan, and Keenee." (Low points for originality) Ohh, sweet girl. ;) Yesterday, Conan and Keenee were away at a wedding, so there was a new imaginary playmate in our home.

Frequent discussions pertaining to attitude choices are held with Miss Kalena Jane and let me tell you, she knows how to pull off a pathetically effective pout. Those big blue eyes glaze over with tears and her bottom lip sticks out so far she could trip over it, but I assure you, she knows how to turn it on (and off). A while ago, my sister and nieces were over to play but my three yr old niece. Lucy, was playing more with Jett than Lena. Kalena went up to my sister with those big blue tear-filled eyes and a quiver in her voice and gushed, "Nobody wants to play with me." Auntie was almost choked up too as she completely bought ALL of what my little Lena-bean was selling. ;) When she was exuberantly singing and dancing mere moments later, it was rather comical.

The other day, Kalena was helping me do some baking and she LOST IT because when I was done with the blender, I placed a beater in front of her on the counter rather than placing it in her hand. Completely lost it.. I'm talking a nearly half hour time out in her room where I go in to talk to her three times before she decides to finally "throw her bad attitude in the garbage." I believe she even pulled her gut punch, "I don't want to be your girl anymore." Drama drama drama

Not long ago, my dramatic little princess showed some real growth that made me incredibly proud. We couldn't find one of our three kittens that we were caring for in our garage. After we had looked and looked, I expected her to get upset but instead, Kalena says, "Mommy, we could pray about it" and without missing a beat, she began, "Dear God, please help us find the kitty..." I was floored that she instinctively went to prayer when we couldn't solve a problem on our own. I love that.

And my Jett. The last blog post I wrote (about a half a year ago) focussed on some of my frustrations and concerns about raising an active, large-for-his-age boy. Here we are a half-year later and he is doing fantastic. He began Kindergarten in September and is thriving at school. He loves learning, and I love watching him learn. Yes, he is the largest kid in his class; likely in all of kindergarten (there are two classes, so I don't know all of the kids), but he's decided to be a leader and loves helping his teacher, which makes me beyond proud.

On his first day of school, I walked him out to the bus (which comes right onto our yard to pick J up) and he jumped on without hesitation, found a seat and was waving to me as the bus pulled away. I LOST it. I wasn't expecting to get emotional, but watching him wave through the window as the bus drove my baby AWAY from me was more than my mama heart could handle. Tears flowed freely and were beyond my control. I promptly got in my vehicle and drove to the school to be there when the bus arrived and help J find his way to his class, etc. He handled the whole day like a pro, and I couldn't help but marvel at how grown up my baby is becoming.

When he got home after school, he announced that he'd had "the best day ever," (Just wait a few years, my boy. I hope you're singing the same tune). When I asked him what the best part of his day was, he excitedly informed me that he had THREE recesses. ;) He also told me how much fun he'd had playing with some friends from grade 1 as they played a game of boys chase girls... (some things never change).

By the third day of school, Jett told me that I didn't need to walk him out to the bus. He could handle it on his own. Already I'm being sidelined!! I'm getting over my hurt feelings ;) but I am thrilled at the growth, maturity and independence that I can see taking root in my son. 

I feel like there is so much more I could say about my three precious kiddos, but I think I had better wrap this up, or I might never publish this blog post. Where does all the time go????? AHhhhhhh...