Life as a Farm Wife
Welcome to the ramblings of my mind and the passions of my heart. Who am I? I am a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a teacher and a constant learner... often the hard way.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

...ready to explore God's GREEN earth...

We are ready to explore God’s GREEN earth! You may think that this is perhaps a post about being environmentally conscious, but no. While that is important, I’m sure, what I’m actually referring to is how much I can’t wait for spring… and WARMTH!

I long for the snow to melt, the grass to green and the plants to all come alive once again. Then, we can play outside much more. Mitch and Jett can “wrestle” and roll around in our back yard and we’ll all bask in the sun’s rays. By then, I’ll have a confident little walker, for sure, so our walks will look incredibly different. While I’m sure there will be days when I don’t feel this way, I can’t wait to chase my baby boy around the farm and to hear him giggle so loudly as I just can’t quite seem to catch him.

For now, I can only dream of those warm spring/summer days. We will have to be content with what we DO have; right now.

On days like today, when Jett and I stay home all day, I try to at least take him outside for a short walk. During some of our coldest winter days it didn’t happen, but most days it does. Some days I opt to just carry my little bundle of joy as we take in some fresh air, but often I choose to push my 23-pounder in his jogging stroller instead. The snow-covered paths are more difficult to push through, but I can definitely use the exercise!

Jett loves to be outside. His little eyes become so brilliantly blue, they are breath-taking. He calmly observes his surroundings as he can hardly move in his snowsuit will squished into the stroller. He obviously loves the dogs and he keenly studies the cows. He’s not even fazed when they come up close and try to lay a wet one on him.


  1. Welcome to the lovely world of blogging! I too, cannot wait till it starts to get nice outside! I am going stir crazy! Love you girl! Jett is SO cute and I can't believe he's almost 1!!!

  2. So glad you joined the bloggin world! I will love following it and seeing what is happening at the Schultz Family Farm. That is a great family picture of you three. Love it. And of course, we love the pictures of Jett. He is growing so much ~ that first year goes by so quickly and they change so much. Blessings to y'all!

  3. Just noticed the scrolling pictures at the top. Nice touch!

  4. if you're getting outside almost every day already you are doing really well, i'd say. and here's to a full night's sleep - hooray! i just finished weaning Anderson of all his night feeds a few weeks ago too and it is lovely... happy blogging wendy!
