So, it's been a little more than two weeks since I planted my garden and I must say, so far so good! Everything is up! I was diligent about watering it daily and by about a week and a half most seeds had sprouted and poked through the earth. I haven't really had to water anything for the past week because the Good Lord did it for me. Judging by the amount of water I found in Jett's wagon, we got well over 2 1/2 inches of rain. Now that the sun is out and it is nice and warm, I think everything is growing like crazy... including the weeds. I need to get down on my hands and knees to do some weeding, but I think I'll wait until the garden is a little bit drier. I'm hoping to be able to use our rototiller between several of the rows. Hopefully I left enough space!
Here are a few shots of the whole garden from different angles.
Here are my precious plants... they're growing up so fast! :)
BEANS! - I planted three rows of beans; both green and yellow long varieties. These sprouted incredibly fast. They may have been my first seeds that broke through the earth.
CABBAGE - I bought a few cabbage plants that were already started. I think that they have at least doubled in size over the past few weeks.
CARROTS - Little itty bitty carrots. They are small but plentiful. I think I will thin them out some when they are a little bigger.
CORN - I planted three fairly long rows of corn. The ones above were already started when I planted them. The plants below, were planted from seed. They are about half the size of the other ones. We'll see if they catch up!
CUCUMBERS - I sort of ran out of room in my garden by the time I got around to planting the cucumber seeds. They are squeezed in beside the corn - likely not ideal. Also, in the past I have planted cucumbers in mounds, but this year I bought cucumber seed tape. So, the plants are in a row. We'll see how they turn out! Mitch doesn't like cucumbers, but I LOVE fresh cucumbers with a little vinegar on them!
DILL & PEAS - In the pots, I planted my dill. I have experienced the aggressive take-over tendencies of the dill plant in the past, so I am hoping these pots will restrain the dill beast somewhat. The peas are in short rows, fairly close together (again, I did not plot out my spacing very well). I'm wondering if I'm going to end up with a large bush of peas by the end of the summer.
ONIONS - Now that I think about it, I may have lied about the beans being the first seeds to come up. These onions sprang from the ground within days of planting. Some of them are already a foot tall!
POTATOES - Both the picture above and the one below are of my potato plants. I could not find seed potatoes this spring, so my mother-in law graciously gave me some that she had left over. There weren't as many shoots off of them as some that I've planted in the past, so I was a little worried that they wouldn't come up, but low and behold, they are up! Well, most of them, anyway. I planted 12 and nine of the twelve now have plants above ground. There are cracks in the ground around the other three, so I still have hope that they'll pull through!
PURPLE CABBAGE - If my cabbage plants produce well, we'll likely have more cabbage than what my husband would think is necessary, but I am excited to make some good borscht!
SPINACH - I can't wait for these leaves to grow a little bigger so I can stop buying my greens at the store. I also planted some lettuce and swiss chard to add to our salad mix.
TOMATOES - I realize that this looks like a ridiculous number of tomato plants, especially considering my husband will not eat them raw, but I have never had a lot of luck in the tomato-growing department. I'm hoping that having them closer together than I have had them in the past may work some magic. I sure hope so, because I want to make some salsa!
WATERMELON - I have never successfully grown a watermelon, but supposedly they do grow here. So, I'm trying again. Come on little watermelon plant, GROW!
ZUCCHINI - I planted 4 of these plants and they have been increasing in size at a very steady rate. I was recently informed that you can usually get enough zucchini off of ONE plant. So, I may be knocking on doors trying to get rid of zucchini at the end of the summer! We'll see...
Anyway, I realize that there's a lot more summer and a lot more growing that needs to happen yet, but I am happy with my garden thus far.
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