Life as a Farm Wife
Welcome to the ramblings of my mind and the passions of my heart. Who am I? I am a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a teacher and a constant learner... often the hard way.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Have I told you about my garden??? ...and my sweet farmboy???

So, it's been about 7 weeks since I put my garden in and, I must say, I'm pretty dang proud of what I see out my back window. In this tropical summer climate we've been experiencing, everything is growing well... including the weeds! I am glad to be able to roto-till between most of my rows, or I think I would wring my hands in despair and let it all go. (how do you like my dramatic flair?)

View from the front

View from the side

I just "hilled" my potatoes.

We ate this zucchini for dinner last night.

I should probably start doing something with my massive cabbage!

I have seen a few tomatoes already starting to grow on my plants! I can almost taste the salsa...

My peas have become a bit of a mass of bush... Should be interesting picking the pods when they come!

Beans, beans, beans... I love fresh beans boiled with butter and salt on them.

Mitch is jealous of my corn. He would love to grow a field of corn for cow feed.

Now, for my sweet farm-boy. Jett loves living on the farm. He runs to the barn every chance he gets, he feeds the calves fists-ful of feed, he wants to climb into every piece of machinery or tractor we have for a ride, he loves to open and close gates repeatedly, and already, he is starting to follow his daddy around as he works. I told Mitch that he had better start praying for patience now because before we know it, he will have an ever-present shadow wanting to "help" him and asking unceasing questions of "why???"... We are so blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good ALMOST make me want to have a garden one day...almost :)
