You may wonder, "How and when do you find time to update your blog?" Well let me SHOW you...
I'm actually sitting on top of the lid of the toilet while my little boy plays in his 'ghetto' bath tub. "What is a ghetto bath tub?", you ask. Well, it's a rubbermaid container, of course. We're classy here in the Schultz home.
Actually, before we were even pregnant or thought about such things as what might be convenient when raising children, we renovated the bathroom in our 100 year old house. We took out the horrible texturized bath tub that was impossible to clean and replaced it with a... shower. Oops. When you have a boy who loves water, baths are a favourite time of day. So, we improvise.
Jett doesn't seem to mind. Actually, he loves his "bath". I can't get him to come out. So, I sit here on top of the toilet, waiting for his water to reach an uncomfortably cold temperature so he'll join me in the land of the dry.
Here's what his bath looks like:
I should tell you all that I heard him pee THREE times into his bath water today. AND he pinched his fingers in the shower doors twice as he opened and closed them, opened and closed them...