No, I haven’t actually forgotten about this blog, I just haven’t made it
here. It’s just a part of my quirky personality that I have a difficult
time posting something that I don’t feel is “well-rounded;” meaning, complete
with pictures and/or video and edited, thought out text. This is fine and all,
but it takes time. Tonight, I was handed a special gift. My highly energetic
two year old completely conked out at the dinner table… at 6:30! I’m sure it
has much to do with the fact that he didn’t nap today and I am really hoping
that this early bedtime doesn’t translate into an equally early awakening in
the morning… If it does, I suppose I could blog about it. ;)
I haven’t blogged in nearly three months. I attribute this
largely to the fact that life with a busy toddler and baby is rather full, as
well as the random non-schedule that summer brings. I have, however thought
about blogging. In fact, I have several posts partially thought through, even
if they never make it on the screen. Some of the titles could read like this:
Strong Willed Toddler vs The World
Taming the Boy NOT Crushing his Spirit
Beating the Heat in an 100 Year-old House
Dying of Heat in an 100 Year-old House…
The DIY Bedroom Renos that have lasted 4 Months
(and counting)
Surviving the Two’s… (barely)
I Married an All-Cow-Holic (totally about cows/dairy
farming, not alcohol)
This is What Blessed Looks Like
Sports after Babies
10. Housekeeping and Why I Suck at It
So, after all that, I think I’ll just fill the rest of this
post with an update on life in the Schultz house this summer. :) I suppose if
anyone was just dying to read one of the above posts, (haha) I could flesh it
out. :)
First of all, I think I have the greatest kids. They have brought so much joy to my heart over the last number of months. I love watching them grow, develop, and especially, interact. They truly love each other.
I realize that I did dedicate an entire post to comparing the similar appearances of my kiddos, but see if you can tell who's who in these pics. They are both about 4 months here.
My sweet boy, Jett, is at a very exhausting stage. Some call it the "terrible twos", I call it "constant discovery on the verge of pulling my hair out". I love this kid more than I could put down in words, but being responsible to help shape his character is often overwhelming as he constantly pushes boundaries trying to gain independence.
He does love the farm; just like his daddy :)
Mitch and I played on a Slo-pitch team May-July. It was a lot of fun, but I often lament at how my athletic "form" is just not what it used to be... This pic is of one of the few games Jetty watched. It is actually from Dalmeny Days, not our regular team.
One of Kalena's BFF's was born at the end of May. I am so excited about watching these two grow up together! Way to go, Zach & Dana!
My sweet niece, Lucy Kate was born on June 6th. She is SO precious. I love watching my baby sister as a mom and I think it's great that these cousins will be so close! Way to go, Braden and Carrie!
Have I mentioned that I'm smitten with this girl???
Kalena Jane brings constant joy to our family. She is growing up WAY too fast!
I also love watching her with her daddy... :)
Everytime we pull out a baby toy for Kalena to play with, Jett becomes transfixed on it. We were having a difficult time keeping him out of the Jolly Jumper, so...
...we bought him a trampoline. :) He loves it and has affectionately named it his, "Jumping Bean."
You may be catching on to the fact that I enjoy the jumping pics. :)
We've spent time with family; in homes, at the lake and the Sawatzky Reunion.
Uncle Greg and Aunty Karmen were out for 2 weeks and we loved spending time with them! We will miss them during this next year as they're in South Korea.
We live on the same yard as my in-laws, yet ironically, I don't have many pictures with them! We love them very much. :)
I think we've gone to the Martensville pool 4 times already this summer. We all really enjoy it there, especially Jett. On some of July's hottest days, the cool pool water can bring your body temp down enough that you feel much more comfortable! Jett loves the watersides and becomes more bold every time we're there.
We love to go to the lake. Mitch and I got our trailer at Candle Lake anticipating that we would love to bring our children there, and we do. :) It's a fantastic get-away that is just far away from home, that we can relax. We just need to get there more!
When we're not at the pool or the lake, we try to keep cool by filling our sauna... I mean, house, with many fans. I love this picture of Jett. It really makes me miss his curls. :(
Recently, we've been putting up feed at our farm. Jett loves watching all of the tractors & trucks at work. He's a pretty pleased passenger.
We've had several fun playdates.
AND... I think I had better stop there because, is anyone actually still reading/following??? This has become a monstrosity of a post, but a fun journey for me, I must say. :) ...making up for lost time.
Enjoyed reading your post and catching up with your family. Looks like it has been a good, hot summer. Loved all the pictures!