Life as a Farm Wife
Welcome to the ramblings of my mind and the passions of my heart. Who am I? I am a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a teacher and a constant learner... often the hard way.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Feverish Visions of Paradise

Beach paradise... to be clear :)

In two days, we (my family and I) will venture to Cancun, Mexico for a week of blissful relaxation on the beach. I can't wait!

The lead up only makes me long for vacation more as Kalena and I have been fighting colds all week and now for the past two days, Lena's had a fever, too. Plus, I fell down the stairs last week, landing hard on my tail bone and it is SORE. I know we would have a difficult time rallying much sympathy, though, because in a few days, the tropics will heal all that ails. ;) (We're really not in that rough of shape)

I have had a snuggly baby who hasn't allowed me to get much else done, so I blog. ;)

I love that she is also starting to snuggle her dollies some because this Chica is used to playing with tractors and trucks most of the time.

Jett's been trying out some different looks in preparation for the beach. This one, we call, "Rico Suave".

He's also been practicing his 'Scoot'. We're packing his scooter in a suitcase so he can scoot around the sidewalks at the resort. Genius? We'll see...

SOOOO... Mexico. :)

It's definitely one of my most favourite places in the world. Some of you reading this may not know this about me, but I speak fluent Spanish. Es verdad. (It's true) After I graduated high school, a "few" years ago, I journeyed on year of "Discipleship Training" and short term Missions with an organization called MBMSI. The program was called TREK, and I spent 2 months in Abbotsford BC, 3 months in Guatemala (this time was devoted entirely to Spanish language study), and 5 1/2 months in Mexico City. While in Guatemala and Mexico, I lived with exclusively Spanish speaking families and I picked up the language fairly quickly. I love to talk ;) so this is no huge surprise.

Aside from my 5 month experience in Mexico City, I spent a month in Aquascalientes (A city that is smack dab in the middle of the country), vacationed in Acapulco twice, and Mitch and I honeymooned in Cancun. I LOVE Mexico.

Ohh... younger, slimmer version of me... THIS will be a very different trip.

Cancun is a city on the eastern Mexican coast. It boasts of beautiful white sand beaches that border the Caribbean Sea/Atlantic Ocean. Earthly paradise.

 We will be staying close to where you see Playa (Beach) Delfines on the map below.

We are hoping to do this trip for about $2500.00 (everything included), which is pretty good for a family of four! We used around 7000 air miles to purchase flights for Mitch and I. There is $200 in taxes for each of those flights. Jett's flight was $900, taxes included. Kalena is free! ...But she doesn't get her own seat. She will share with me. ;)

We are going on this trip with my sister Carrie, brother-in-law Braden and sweet niece, Lucy. We are also going with our friends Josh and Carmen and their sweet baby girl, Taya.  Our three baby girls were all born within three months of each other.

Carmen found a fabulous condo for us all to share for under $1000 per family for the whole week.! We are all very excited about this place. It is a penthouse condo on top of a resort. It has four bedrooms, a large living/dining area, and a beautiful outdoor patio with outdoor dining, lounging and a hot tub. HERE is the site where you go to inquire/rent one of these condos and THIS is our specific condo. There are several beautiful pics of the place.

I am fairly sure that our penthouse is on the top of the tower that is furthest to the right... I guess I'll know for sure soon! :)

And this will be our view...

Yes, we have chosen to do a hot holiday WITH the kids. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that Mitch and I would truly enjoy a getaway with just the two of us, but we wanted to do this as a family. I think that the condo we have is the perfect option for the stage of life we are at. The condo is beautiful with an outdoor patio that views the amazing coastline, so I will have NO problem hanging out there while the kids nap. Also, there are six adults, so I'm sure we can take "shifts". We plan on eating out some of the time, but we will do a Walmart grocery run at the beginning so that we for sure can do our own breakfast/lunches. The resort that our condo sits on also has an option where you can tap into their all-inclusive pkg. We'll see.

 I really can't wait! Two more sleeps! I am also very excited to watch how pumped Jett is to play in the ocean/on the beach and swim in the pool. SO fun!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Keep Laughing...

Having a strong-willed little boy and a baby girl who’s growing more and more into what seems like an equally assertive/energetic personality is tiring. My Keurig is running a marathon seeing as my coffee consumption is through the roof these days. One day, when I sleep again, I will cut back… maybe.

Thankfully, I am blessed with an abundance of moments where all I can do is sit back and laugh with/at these little creatures the Lord has bestowed upon me. Far too often, I don’t take the time to write down the funny conversations and moments that my children share with me, so that is what this post is: an homage to some silly times that make the frustrating moments more bearable.


Jett Jaxon

For anyone who has met my boy, you are aware that he is incredibly busy/active. (I do have an entire post dedicated to this, if you click HERE.) What you may not realize, is that he is exceptionally clever (my unbiased opinion ;) and sweet. The following video is 30 seconds of Jett singing the Doxology, his favourite meal time prayer. The "falsetto" cracks me up.

Like many other children, Jett is becoming masterful at creating excuses/diversions at bedtime that delay any actual sleep. Recently, I was putting J to bed and we were coming up to the end of our routine. He started unzipping his sleeper. I calmly, zipped it back up and asked him not to do that. Being one who often loves to push/test boundaries, he unzipped again. When I got after him, he flashed me a confused (fake) look with big innocent (not innocent) blue eyes and said, "What? I thought I was going to have a bath???" Let me remind you, we were at the END of our bedtime routine. No bath. 

That same evening, Mitch and I were sitting downstairs and we could hear Jett moving around in his room. Mitch went up (I sent in the muscle ;) and when he opened J's door, the light was on, but J was actually in his bed. He said, "It's too bright in here, daddy." as if he is the victim of being forced to try and sleep in a bright room. Right.

On other occasions when Mitch or I have gone up to ensure that J is in his bed, we have been met with a little boy who's applying stickers around his room, reading his books, singing (VERY loudly), picking decals off his wall, making dinosaur noises, and trying to sneak OUT of his room. One of my favourites was when I opened his bedroom door and met my boy eye to eye because he had moved his play table in front of the door and was standing on it, seemingly "fixing" the canvas that hangs there. "I'm just working, mom" was his quick explanation.

A week or so ago, Jett was jumping on Mitch and my bed while I was collecting laundry. (Yes, I let him jump) He found a tin beside the bed, opened it, and pulled out a condom. (Oops) "Mom! Mom! What IS this? What do you ooze it for???" (I kinda love the way he says ooze instead of use). I unsuccessfully tried to dodge his questions, asking him to just put it back and not worry about it. When he continued to badger me, wanting to know what it was that he was holding, I did the most logical thing. I sent him downstairs and said, "Go, ask your daddy." Of course I listened in very carefully, trying not to chuckle as J ran to Mitch, pushed a condom into his face and asked him, "What do you ooze it for, daddy???" A surprised Mitch uncomfortably asked him where he got it. Jett continued to push for a reasonable response, so Mitch said, "It's for protection." I couldn't help but chuckle out loud. Especially when Jett was totally satisfied with that as a response. 

I get such a kick out of the way Jett randomly tries to have 'adult' conversation with me. He will ask me, "Mom, how is your day?" in a voice that sounds sincerely interested. He will also say things like, " 'Member when I fell down the stairs?" (It was nearly two months ago) or "'Member when Ka-yena (Lena) wasn't born?" (I don't actually think HE remembers). One of his favourite explanations or comments after doing something silly is, "God made me a goofy." I think it might be his excuse for being goofy...

Jett is very articulate for a 2 1/2 year old boy, which shouldn't be a surprise because he practices a lot. (He talks non-stop) He does struggle with some words that begin with a combination of two consonants such as CRazy, FLoating, or PLaying. The week before Christmas, Mitch and I took the kids to Temple Gardens Mineral Spa (in Moose Jaw) for a night. Both Jett and Lena LOVE the water and we had a really fun time together there. We spent quite a bit of time in the large hot mineral pool that is on the top of the building. Lining the ceiling of that large room are several dozen flags that represent where guests of the spa have come from. Flag is a word that begins with a combination of two consonants... "Mom, look at all the fags! Look at all the fags!" Jett exclaimed at a significant volume level. Oh, my boy.... "Yes, Jett, look at all the FLags!" I tried to say just as loudly while making obvious gestures towards the ceiling.

Part of our bedtime routine for Jett includes reading a couple of books. We love Dr Seuss and Jett often asks for The Foot Book. The last page reads, "In the house and on the street, how many different feet you meet." (I've read it a lot... I recited that from memory ;) and there are several Dr. Seuss creatures walking on a path. Jett always concludes the story by labeling certain creatures: daddy, mommy, JJ, and Yena (Lena). The other day was no exception. Jett informed me, "That's daddy" (pointing at the tallest rather bird-like creature) "He's really strong!" I can't help but smile. "That one's mommy." J says while pointing to the most human-like creature on the page. "She's so..." I waited for him to say 'she's so pretty' or some such flattering statement. Nope. "She says you're gonna get a spanking," Jett said rather matter-of-factually. Ummm...

These funny moments make it almost possible to forget some of our most recent frustrations with our little blondie such as: when he makes himself himself throw up foods he doesn't like, is overly rough with Lena, challenges our authority dozens of of times daily, takes toys away from other kids, and still wears diapers.



Kalena Jane

Kalena may be less than 10 months, but already she showing us that her energy levels just might parallel those of her big brother. (Lord, help me! ;) She has an incredibly cheerful disposition and has a laugh that I get such a kick out of. I have caught some sweet/funny moments of my little girl in this following video. At the end of the clip, Lena shows off my favourite laugh of hers. It reminds me of Goofy's laugh. "Hi-yuk, Hi-yuk." So great.

Lately, Lena eats everything. Food is like a grand adventure for her right now, and she wants to experience it all. With Jett, we were careful to only introduce certain foods and certain increments of time, but this time we've been less cautious. I still try to ensure Lena eats healthy, whole foods, but I'm much more laid back about it. Not long ago, I gave Jett a chocolate peppermint patty as a treat and I thought he ate it all quickly. I learned moments later that it had not been the case because Kalena had chocolate ALL over her hands and around her mouth. Sigh.

She got the chocolate 'cleaned' out of her system the other day when she took a chunk out of a bar of soap. Actually, she took two chunks out, but I only caught her after her second bite. Oh, sweet pea.

This little sweetie loves to look at herself in the mirror. I don't blame her, she is a doll and I sure love looking at her too!

Hello, Lena-bean. This little stinker loves to make her way into my kitchen, especially when I'm working, and she pulls as much as she can onto the floor for me to dodge. She also LOVES the oven drawer. She pulls it out and climbs into it on a daily basis.

Lately, Lena loves to be thrown in the air, held upside down, tickled, etc. and the infectious giggles you get from doing those things with her, make them totally worth it.

Kalena at nearly 10 months of age poses totally different challenges than her 2 1/2 year old brother. She has entered a shrieking phase. Not all the time, but she KNOWS how to attract attention. She is into EVERYTHING. She moves quickly and you really can't leave her alone for a second! She falls asleep fairly quickly on her own when you put her down in her bed, but Lena is a loud sleeper. She also wakes periodically through the night and in our close quarters, it's been quite a while since I've slept an entire night.

But, see that little grin below? Worth it.


Partners (siblings) in crime:

I love these sweet kiddos more than I could ever adequately express and they truly do bring an abundance of life and joy to each day. I am so blessed and thankful to be their mom; frustrations and all. Watching them become friends, warms my heart SO much.

There is only a snippet of our funny moments shared in this post. Many moments have passed and I've already forgotten them! This blog serves as an outlet where I can keep the sweet memories alive! (SO cheesy, I know ;)