Life as a Farm Wife
Welcome to the ramblings of my mind and the passions of my heart. Who am I? I am a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a teacher and a constant learner... often the hard way.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Moments/Things to Smile at Today...

Having an incredibly busy 12-month is a lot of fun… most of the time. It also provides many moments that induce panic, frustration, worry, but mostly, joy; often in retrospect. Here are some moments from today:

1.     Jett had 2 appointments today. The first one was his 1 year immunizations and the other, his 1 year check-up. I was a little nervous about his ‘shots’ and how he would react, based on how he’s reacted in the past. A total melt-down was not outside of the realm of possibility. He did freak out, as expected as he got, not one, but THREE needles; and this time in the arm, not the leg. BUT I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly he settled down. There was a poster of Nemo in the room. My heart melted as Jett said “fshhh, fshhh”… and all was right in his world once again.

***Side note – We went to the Vancouver Aquarium during our BC trip last week and Jett LOVED looking at all of the FSHHH!


2.     We had several hours to kill between appointments, so we spent some time with uncle Tim. We took Jett to The Fun Factory for the first time. Of course, it was a huge hit, but I got a kick out the fact that, out of all of the many, many toys etc, one of Jett’s favorite things was… the gate. There is a little white picket fence enclosing an area for smaller children and he was the gatekeeper. Jett enjoyed opening and closing, opening and closing, opening and closing the gate repeatedly.

3.     Still at the Fun Factory, Jett loved the ball pits and climbing through the maze of tunnels. His favorite part of the jungle gym, though, was the slides. My little man thinks he can be so independent and he would just dive down head-first if I would let him (or not catch him in time!). Our compromise is to send Jett down feet-first, on his belly, with an adult at the top to send him off and an adult at the bottom to catch him. He LOVES it! To, watch his smile swallow the rest of his face as he goes down, and to hear his shrieks of pleasure would make anyone smile.

***Side note – Uncle Tim received a lecture from a 5 year old about being up in the play center. Were we not supposed to be in there WITH Jett? Maybe I don’t know the rules???

4.     We picked up scrumptious take-out from Thiens for lunch and went to see Aunty Sherry at her Sliced Decadence kitchen space where she was baking up some delicious masterpieces. (Look at me, learning to use links on my blog) We all went to the playground across the street to enjoy the fabulous 21 degree afternoon when we were finished eating. There were swings, slides, stairs etc, but I think Jett’s favorite part was… the sand. I was still digging sand out of crevices as I changed and pajama-ed Jetty for bed.

5.     Also at the park, there was a hill. Do you remember how much you loved hills when you were young? Jett discovered this simple pleasure today, and I loved watching him. He could trudge up the slope (somewhat, I think he was carried most of the way up) but going down… we all know the joy that is running down-hill. He giggled uncontrollably as his little legs moved faster than he’s ever experienced. Of course, that would only last a few steps because he would inevitably tumble. Luckily, uncle Tim ran with him and caught him each time his little rockets failed. Yay for uncles! (and aunties)

6.     Jett and I got to his appointment about 10 minutes early. That allowed enough time for several laps around the waiting room. Chairs were tapped and tasted. Windows were kissed and sung to. Every time the outside door was opened, Jett would bee-line and try to make his escape. He started banging on the door, I think he was trying to convince it to open. Then, he stopped and calmly walked to the left and pushed the wheel chair access button! Everyone in the waiting room busted up. My little smarty pants. I did catch him around the waist and thwart his escape efforts, but that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t proud and cracking up on the inside!

7.     While Jett was weighed and measured, he grabbed at anything and everything he could reach! The Kleenex, the posters on the wall, the little samples of Materna vitamins they were giving away, and the paper towel that shielded the scale was torn to shreds. He really hasn’t gained much weight in the last couple of months; big surprise for my little mover. He weighed in at 24 pounds and he was 31.5 inches long. He IS getting taller. I do feed my little train-wreck, I promise. He’s actually a really good eater.

8.     Once we were in the little hospital room waiting for the doctor to come in, Jett joyfully ran circles around the small room. He had only his diaper on, which he loves, and he checked out the stool on rollers, the cupboard that housed the trash can, and any poster he thought he could reach. I drew the line when he picked up the stirrup that’s used for women’s examinations. He then proceeded to crouch down in the corner while doing some pretty serious grunting and pushing. He very thoroughly filled his pants, which was disappointing because I had just changed his diaper when we had arrived at the clinic. I was sure that the doctor would enter just as Jett’s putrid aroma filled the room, but thankfully, she didn’t and I had time to change my squirmy wiggler.

These are only a few of the special moments I was able to share with my little man today as we also visited Future Shop and Costco. AND we tried out Jett’s new backpack carrier. I think he loves hugging mommy’s back. He tickles my sides with his chubby little fingers. I love that. All of these moments make me smile and I hope they bring a smile to others, too.

Anyway, here are a few comics I was emailed today that I also got a kick out of:

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day at the Zoo

There's not much that beats being on holidays, and we are excited to be in BC visiting Uncle Greg and Aunty Karmen. Holidays now, though, look very different than they used to. No more sleeping in until 10am, taking a dip in the hot tub, then having a leisurely brunch. Nope. Now, by 10am, we've already been up for at least three hours, eaten breakfast, been swimming, showered, read books and we are on to our first nap of the day. I wouldn't trade this.

So, having a 1 year old, (Jett turns 1 tomorrow!!!) changes our holiday itinerary also. Yesterday, we went to the Greater Vancouver Zoo which, incidentally, is very close the hotel we're staying in. It was a very fun day.

I took more than 150 pictures during the day. Camera happy, I know. Not all of them are "frame-worthy", though. These are some of my favorite pictures. A few of the animals even posed for their close-up.



Mountain Goats

 Some sort of monkey...

Thanksgiving Dinner

 Tiger eating his lunch

Pink Flamingos

 "Beautiful" Emu

Alice the Camel

 ???- From South Africa?

The Zoo had several large statues of animals and we had fun posing by some of them.

Now, for my LEAST favorite part of the zoo... the reptiles. I know that they are part of God's creation, too, but they really give me the willies. My skin felt like it was crawling the whole time.



 Tarantula (I know he's not a reptile)

Croc... and Yes, he is alive.


Do you know what this is? Comment and leave your guess

There were also some pretty flowers and plants that I decided to add to the album. (These are for you, mom)

 Apparently this yellow plant is called "skunk cabbage" because it stinks. Oh well, it looks pretty.

Jett had a very fun day. He loved to walk all by himself, but he was a magnet to the mud!

You know it's been a good day when it ends like this. Jett was cashed out. Love it. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

"HI-HO, HI-HO... Where did the year go?"

I can’t believe how fast a year can pass! I have received my final cheque from EI, and my maternity leave is officially over. I did make arrangements with my school division to NOT return to my contract teaching position this year. Can you imagine jumping into junior high to teach just as spring fever hits??? No, thank you. Rather, I have opted to ease back into work by getting some hours in as a substitute teacher. The plan is to return to regular teaching in the fall, hopefully just at 50%, though. I don’t think I could handle being away from my little guy everyday.

Substitute teaching is a funny job. I know that everyone gets their own image in their mind when they think of their own experience with substitute teachers. I can remember how my friends and I treated substitute teachers when I was in school. It’s like we thought it was a “free day”. Kids would switch names and desks. You thought you could get away with so much more.

I really like the episode of Glee called, “The Substitute”. I tried to put a little clip from it on here, but copyright is pretty strict and I couldn’t do it. Anyway, Gwyneth Paltrow plays the substitute teacher, Holly Holiday and she claims to be the “cure for the common classroom”. Basically, she is the cool substitute teacher, and who doesn’t want to be that?

My first day back teaching was in a grade 1 classroom. Now, let me tell you, grade 1 teachers are pretty much superheroes in my mind. The amount of activities and lessons they can pack into a school day is incredible! I enjoyed my day with them very much, but one thing is for sure, at the end of the day, I was tired! A bonus is all of the hugs you receive. I’m not used to that. Most grade 7 and 8 students don’t hug their teacher too often. I realized though, that I am not a regular grade 1 teacher. I can enjoy the odd day with the little rug rats, but I think my patience may run thin with all of the shoes to tie, zippers to zip, messes to clean, and tattlers to satisfy.

I have also now subbed a few days in high school as well. This is night and day different from grade 1. No hugs. Well, that’s not entirely true. All of the high school classes I’ve subbed for so far are students that I have taught before. So, I actually have received a few hugs. I have had to reacquaint myself with some topics that I had left on a shelf for a long time: Mean/Median/Mode, Arial Stems, Measurement conversions, Box and Whisker Plots, etc. Fun stuff. J

It has been fun to be back in the classroom, but I sure do miss my Jett. I am incredibly blessed to have parents and in-laws who are willing and even excited to provide childcare, so that does make it easier to leave him. The other day, though, he clung to me when I went to drop him off. It’s like he knew that I was leaving him. It tore at my heart a little bit. Ahhh, mommy guilt. The huge smile he gives when I come to pick him up, though; it makes up for it. His little feet move so quickly to get to me and I can swoop him up as he grabs for my face and neck. I sure do love that boy.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

King of the Castle...

This morning we went for a family walk and when we walked by one of our cow pens, I got such a kick out of this cow. I could hear the caption for this picture in my mind, "Na-na-na-na-na... I'm the king of the castle..."

Funny, that this king's throne is a pile of manure that will soon be cleaned out of the pen...

Our walking companions, Captain & Hurricane never miss out on an opportunity to wander the countryside.

This is what much of our yard looks like, so it's best to walk off of the yard to go for a walk. I'm sure that in a few years, Jetty will love to march through this muck... oh so much to look forward to! I will be so glad when the mud dries up and the grass grows. We truly do have a beautiful yard!

Can you call this kind of trek "4x4-ing" if the 'vehicle only has three wheels and no motor?

We love walking down to the end of the road, checking out the fields, watching the dogs race and wrestle, and breathing in the incredibly fresh air.

Oh, glorious day!