Life as a Farm Wife
Welcome to the ramblings of my mind and the passions of my heart. Who am I? I am a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a teacher and a constant learner... often the hard way.

Friday, November 18, 2011

It was time...

So, today we hit a milestone... Jett's first haircut.

My sweet little man is nearly 19 months old and his locks have yet to be lopped. (Is that a correct term???) Jett was destined to start life with slim to no hair, seeing as that was the story of his mommy and daddy as infants, also. Recently, though, he's been developing a noticeably long strip of hair at the base of his head... some may fondly refer to as a "rat-tail." So, it was time.
 Notice the little tail at the back. ;)

The top, around the crown of his head, had also gotten rather long...

As it drew closer to the time that I was going to pull out the scissors, His long locks looked more and more endearing to me. Is it crazy that I associate cutting my baby's hair with him growing up? I love Jett's soft baby hair.

But his new 'do looks pretty cute too...

This is part way through. I got a kick out of the "trendy" long sweep forward on top. short in back look. For about 5 minutes, anyway.

How did I get Jett to sit still, you wonder? Well, Curious George can be pretty enthralling. He also kept playing with the comb while I went scissor happy.

For a little guy with "not much hair," this was how much I took off!

 I am most definitely not a professional, but I think Jett's cut looks pretty cute.
 LOVE the cowlick.
He may seem like he could care less about his hair, but I know he is secretly thrilled. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Our little monkey...

LAST year, Jett rocked the bumble-bee costume. He wore it a few times and it went over well.

Look at those cheeks!!!

THIS year, Jett graduated to the much more grown up MONKEY costume! He wasn't so thrilled about wearing this one, mind you. He DID wear it for a significant portion of Halloween evening as his Daddy took him around to games and booths at "Fun Night" (A Halloween alternative carnival-esque event) at VCA (the school that I teach at).

"Wait, mom, where'd you go?" 

"PLEASE Mom... Let me outta here!" 

 "Can you see me? I'm talkin' to YOU! Look into my big blue eyes..."

Oh, how my little boy is growing up so quickly! Of course, Mitch and I are convinced he's a baby genius. (We may be slightly biased). Check out some of his latest skills...

I love this little monkey SOOOO much!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We loved our time in Galveston...

Just in case I wasn't clear in explaining how much we enjoyed our time vacationing and visiting in Galveston... (Thank you Desi for the great pictures!)

 Mitch enjoyed paddle surfing with his friends.

Jett and Isaac enjoying the ocean waves. 

 I love this picture! Would you guess that Jett is the second youngest in this lineup?

 Daddy teaching Jetty how to do the back float.

Aunty Hilary, cousin Cooper and Fred.

Would you believe that Jett LOVES the water???

Uncle Carson and Cousin Cooper.

Thank you Carson & Hilary for planning such a fun time for us to share with you while we visited in Texas! Do you know that tonight we're expecting to hit about -13 (celcius). We miss you and your climate. :)