Life as a Farm Wife
Welcome to the ramblings of my mind and the passions of my heart. Who am I? I am a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a teacher and a constant learner... often the hard way.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Redeeming Muffins: Tale of a Grump and a Failure.

I’m not someone who has terribly many grumpy days because I tend to be the perpetual optimist. Some days, however, my cheerful disposition fails me and I allow myself to wallow in self-pity. Here’s my recent tale of woe.

Well, it all started yesterday, actually. I got groceries that included a fresh supply of coffee, but at home later, the coffee was nowhere to be found! This was incredibly irritating to me and I diligently searched every nook and cranny where I could have absent-mindedly placed it. No luck. I even retraced my steps from the truck to the house to see if it had fallen while I was carrying groceries in. Nope. I figure it must have fallen out of my cart in the Costco parking lot, while I quickly wheeled to my truck??? It’s the best explanation I can think of. I checked my receipt and, yes, I did purchase coffee. Grrr….

This morning I woke up with an incredibly sore/stiff neck. I can’t think of anything I did to put it “out”. Maybe I slept on it wrong??? I don’t know. Anyway, it doesn’t feel good. I have one of those therapeutic neck wrap things that you stick in the microwave to heat up, but do you think I could find it anywhere??? I looked everywhere in the house that I thought it might be, but had no luck.  So, the sore neck is having its way with me. When I haul Jett on my hip, it accentuates the soreness. Grrr….

Mitch left early this morning to help friends of our move into their new house and Jett and I were invited to join them for BBQ lunch at their new place. I’m someone who doesn’t like to show up empty-handed to something like that, so I decided to use up the ripe bananas on my counter and make some muffins. Jett decided not to nap as long as I would’ve liked him too, though, so that complicated matters. I plunked him into his high chair and gave him cheerios and his milk. Then I set the laptop in front of him so he could watch himself in our home video compilations. (He prefers watching himself to watching TV :) – so vain). The videos are only about a minute and a half each though, so as I added ingredients and mixed batter, I had to run in between and start videos for Jett.

I got the muffins in the oven and felt quite proud of myself. Jett and I went outside to go check on a cow that Mitch had thought might be calving, and to get some fresh air. I set the timer on the oven, but I didn’t take a watch with me (stupid). You can guess what happened next. My internal clock is obviously a lot slower than the one on my oven because when we got back into the house, the timer was going off and the muffins smelt DONE. More than done, actually, they were totally burnt. Not something I would bring to a friend. GRRRR…..

I felt so frustrated; I just let out a yell. Not at anyone or anything in particular, just a yell. It felt good to let it out, but then I realized that my kitchen window was open and my mother in law was working in her flowerbeds not far away. Oops. I hope she didn’t think I was yelling at Jett. I wasn’t. Arghh…

So, we went to have lunch with our friends at their new house sans muffins. It didn’t matter to anyone else, I’m sure, but I was irked. Lunch was nice, even though it did rain on us.

As I drove home afterwards, I was listening to NewsTalk radio and they were talking about the devastation caused by all of those tornadoes in the States as well as the many people who lost their homes to fire in Slave Lake. Wow. Now THAT is a bad day. I guess I needed a little perspective.

When I got home, I cleaned my bowls that were still soaking in the sink and I made a new batch of muffins. They turned out great.

I pray that the Lord would bring relief and comfort to those experiencing unimaginable hardship in their lives right now.

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